DC Comics Presents Batman #1, September 2004, the first of 8 Julius Schwartz tribute comic book published by DC Comics! |
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After Julius Schwartz passed away in 2004, DC Comics did eight tribute issues recreating iconic issues of titles he edited during his long career. Current artists re-create those covers, with the original covers being reproduced inside. The stories were done by creative teams who either worked with Julie or were inspired by him.
Thanks to Steve Saaf for his appreciative e-mail about mentioning his father Art Saaf, back in Episode 38 about Supergirl. To see samples of Art Saaf's art, go to http://artsaaf.com.
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Send e-mail to supermanfanpodcast@gmail.com.
MY PULL LIST is my review blog of the comic books I read every week. It can be found at http://mypulllist.blogspot.com.
Send e-mail about this blog to mypulllist@gmail.com.
Superman and all related characters are copyright DC Comics.
Superman and all related characters are trademark and copyright DC Comics.
Thanks for listening to SUPERMAN FAN PODCAST and, as always, thanks to Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.